2018 – Cataluña, Spain

Artist-in-Residence, nectar, Les Guilleries natural park.
Group Exhibition ‘Land(e)scapes’ at Galeria Carles Taché in Barcelona.

“18 Correspondences with Can Bancells”
–old metal piece, handmade paper, cotton string, wood, envelope, photo, contract
This one set of work is made from the research of the house named ‘Can Bancells’ (which mean ‘The house of Bancells’), that is now used for the artist-in-residency run by the cultural organization nectar.
The house is located in the huge nature of Les Guilleries natural park. The long history of the house starts at least in the 13th century, and still has the name of the family ‘Bancells’, who used to be the owner and the landlord of the area.

The old metal pieces collected from the house are now separated from the original function, but their appearances still show the time that they had been related to this house. The idea of this work is to re-locate each metal piece to a new settlement with keeping their atmosphere of the long time.

Each metal piece is attached with a photo, envelope, and a contract. The photo is showing one approach for the metal pieces to stay in the house but in a new way. And the contract is to the person who will possess this metal piece in the future. The owner is responsible to install the metal piece to one place, take a photo and show how it is re-located to a new place. The owner is also responsible to send one photo to the original house ‘Can Bancells’, as alternatives of the metal pieces that had went out of the house. The envelope has the address ‘Can Bancells’, which is actually the official address of the house.

The house will live it’s long life from now on too, with having some parts of it getting out to new settlements, meeting new people and having correspondences with the new owners.


– 手漉き紙・家から集めた金属・写真・封筒・木・綿糸

3週間の滞在制作の間に実際に過ごしていた、”Can Bancells”と呼ばれる家についてのリサーチを元にしたひと連なりの作品。

“Can Bancells”は、自然公園内のある一帯を治めていた地主の家であり、古くは13世紀ごろからその存在が確認されている。現在の建物も、17世紀ごろのその地域の民家の特徴を残している。現在の家の住人が、改築を行う過程で出てきた古い金属の部品に、新たな居場所を与えることを通して、この長く生き続ける家との継続した対話を行う。

それぞれの金属は、手漉きの紙で型をとっている。それらを家の敷地内の、長い時の重なりを感じられる場所にそれぞれ設置し、撮影を行った。また、和紙や写真と共に作品譲渡の際の契約書を添えている。この作品の新たな持ち主は、それぞれの次の設置場所にて写真を撮影し、その写真をCan Bancellsに送り返すというやりとりを含めた契約を行う。この古い家を旅立った金属片を通して、この家のこれからの時間と関わっていく試みである。