Artist-in-Residence, Asuka Art Village, Nara, Japan.
Exhibition ‘round trip’ at Asuka-ni-imasu Shrine in Asuka.
展覧会「回遊 round trip」飛鳥坐神社・神楽殿(明日香村)
Photo by ヤマダユウジ
‘A’ ‘Ka’ ‘Sa’ ‘Ta’ ‘Na ’Yu’ ‘Ha’ ‘Mu’ ‘Fu’ ‘Yo’ ‘To’ ‘Te’
–wood for strawberry boxes from Mr. Matsubara, ancient rice from Mr. Segawa, fan from Mr. Hanai, bamboo from the shrine, straw rope, hemp cord, rice bag, interfacing, clay, thread
This work is composed of the ‘surrounding elements’ of tools and places.
When one old tool becomes outdated and discarded, ‘surrounding elements’, like the movement to use the tool also disappears. At the same time, the technique to customize the tool, the scale that the tool represents, or the senses to use the tool may also disappear.
During the stay in Asuka, I visited several houses doing agriculture. After watching old tools which used to work in agriculture, I decided to re-locate the ‘surrounding elements’ of those tools and materials in my artwork. For example, the measurement of the box, the movement to turn the fan, or the friction of tying straw ropes, etc.
Another ‘surrounding element’ is about the space of a shrine. Shrine is a place for people to do the motion of praying, – bow twice, clap twice, and bow once. Usually the result of praying doesn’t appear clearly, but still the time itself at the shrine often has a big importance for our mind. I picked up these elements to my work, by creating a device which enable viewers to make motions, which might cause effect to something, but maybe not, and at least gives viewers the physical experience.
These several kinds of ‘surrounding elements’ are now combined in the artwork through representing ‘Hiragana’. Hiragana is one kind of Japanese letter to write down the sound of Japanese. The shape of the letter is now sometimes separated into pieces by the viewer’s motion, and sometimes just effected by the natural wind blowing through the shrine.
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– 松原さんのいちご箱の材、瀬川さんの古代米、花井さんの扇風機、神社さんの竹・笹、