2023 – Kyoto, Japan

Solo Exhibition ‘CHI (on) LE 地のレ’ at NIHA gallery, Kyoto, Japan.


This installation is composed of works created in Chile, where Tsukuda researched Atacama Desert mourning rituals and burial culture. The gallery’s dark first floor served as a “subterranean” space for an introductory video, while the sunlit second floor displayed her ceramics, drawings, and photographs as the “surface of the earth.”

【ニハ】1階は地中(のよう)/ 2階はギャラリー





小笠原敏晶記念財団 2022年度「調査・研究等への助成(現代美術分野)」



This book is made of photos and texts related to the experience of Tsukuda’s stay in Atacama desert, Chile in 2023, and published for the exhibition, 地のレCHILE (NIHA gallery, Kyoto/2023). The design of this book comes from the form of newsprint paper that Tsukuda brought to Chile from Japan, which was used for drawings, taking photos, wrapping ceramics, etc.


This book can be completely seperated into;
– Front cover :
poster of one of the photo works taken in the desert
– Inside front cover (photo book) :
photos taken by Tsukuda in several areas in Chile
(Santiago, Patagonia, Atacama)
– Each page / front :
ceramic pieces made in Atacama, and texts related to each piece
– Each page / back :
drawings from the garden of the residecy & a plan sheet of one exploded ceramic piece

Texts and Editing, NANAO TSUKUDA
Photos of Ceramics, ITSUHIRO OSAWA
Book Making, NIHA niha.jp

冊子『砂礫 GRAVA』
— 2,750円(税込・送料別)



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  • 未だ製作中のため、到着まで少しお時間いただく可能性があります。ご了承ください。


INTRODUCTION – from the book

Standing in the middle of the vast Atacama Desert, feeling dizzy from the glare of the sun and the excessively clear landscape, I was looking for myself to be impressed by the view. To describe it correctly, I tried to think of it as an emotional experience, but I was not in my nature to do so.
I was just exposed to the reflected light of the desert sun, feeling completely out of place.

After standing still, I somehow deiceded to spread out a piece of paper that I had brought from Japan, place it on the sand and gravel, and take some photos.
As I looked through the camera, the ground suddenly turned dark, showing that the sun had been covered by clouds, and soon a strong wind began to blow.

In an instant, the paper on the ground was swept away, in the vast and too clear Atacama Desert, crashing to the ground and flying away, without getting caught by anything.

Run. I run. I ran after the paper endlessly.

Finally, I grabbed the paper and walked back to where I had started, lifted a good-sized stone, placed the paper under it, and restored the stone approximately to its original position.
The paper, placed on the desert ground, reflected the light artificially, floating unnaturally white in color and shape. The whiteness of the paper was simply unusual to my eyes. I knew the sun was setting when I saw the small shadows of the pebbles that appeared with the white glare.

After returning to Japan, I looked again at the photos I had taken.
Underneath this sheet of dazzling paper, the bones and lives of the people there are still buried. Also buried beneath are the movement of sand of each era and the traces of water that once flowed through the area.

Standing in that incredibly distant landscape, I wanted to have something in my mind.
For a few moments looking at the photos, I can think about it again, remembering the desert sand and gravel, the strong wind, and the glaring light that I felt with my camera.

序文 – 本文より抜粋



