2015 – Belalcázar, Spain

Artist-in-Residence, La Fragua.
Exhibition view at Convento de Santa Clara de la Columna, Belalcázar, Córdoba, Spain.

In Belalcázar, I started my work from asking, “Is it OK if I draw the room layout of your house?”
I visited few houses in the town, and drew the room layout of each house. I had a chat about their houses and their livings while I drew. I also made some drawings from the tools and furniture that I saw in their houses. Each tool have an interesting history that becomes a great motive for my work.
I got some clay from the last potter in the area, and mixed it with the clay from the garden of La Fragua. Thanks to him, I could fire my works in his gas kiln.
I did a small exhibition in La Fragua at the end of my stay. ベラルカサルの町の何軒かのお宅に伺い、「お家の間取りを描かせてください」とお願いし、お家にまつわるお話を聞かせて頂いた。お宅の建具や家具、道具などを見せて頂きながら、そこでの生活についてもお話ししていただいた。